Pentagon City Mall Art Show
My piece River II is in the Arlington Artists Alliance juried show.
Celebrating local Arlington artists.
Located in a display case across from the first floor entrance of Nordstrom’s.
My piece River II is in the Arlington Artists Alliance juried show.
Celebrating local Arlington artists.
Located in a display case across from the first floor entrance of Nordstrom’s.
My piece Grace in Liminality in the anniversary show.
Juror: Deborah Conn
Arlington Artists Alliance Gallery, 2700 Clarendon Blvd, Suite R330, Arlington, VA
I served as juror for this all media show
Falls Church Art Gallery, 700-B W. Broad St., Falls Church, VA
Join me in my studio to see and purchase paintings, as seen on my website, ranging from 10 x 10” to 40 x 40”
Saturday November 16, 5-8 pm
Sunday November 17, 2-5 pm
16 Artists will have their studios open!
My painting, Grace in Liminality is in the open exhibit show, juried by Matthew T. McLaughlin
Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, VA
My painting, Mindscape II, is in the July open exhibit, juried by Elizabeth Mead.
Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, VA
Celebrating local Arlington artists.
Located in a display case across from the first floor entrance of Nordstrom’s.
2704 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA
Curator: Camille Kouyoumdjian
“Impermanence Today/Impermanence Tomorrow I” and “Impermanence Today/Impermanence Tomorrow II” are included in the show.
901 New York Ave, NW, Washington, DC
Open Wednesday to Sunday, 12 - 5 pm
An exhibit by Chesapeake Bay regional artists responding to the changes taking place in and around the bay, especially as they relate to climate change.
My piece “Momfords Poynt (Imagined From Space)” is included in this juried show.
I am part of a panel discussion at the CBMM Oyster Fest, October 28, 1:30 pm, Van Lennep Auditorium.
213 N. Talbot St, St. Michaels, MD
Reception: Thursday, April 28, 5:30 - 7:00 pm, Coldwell Banker, 310 King Street, Alexandria, VA
Sponsored by Coldwell Banker, Alexandria, VA.
The show of 50 works of art by 9 women artists benefits ArtSpireVA summer camp scholarships. Visit for more information.